ALL Writing Project

Week 2 and 3
The past two weeks were very short weeks and we are quite busy preparing for the science fair coming up in Week 10. Most of the students did writing at home. I look at their books each day but mark it and give feedback over the weekend. Sometimes if time allows us I feedback to the students during the week.  I put a task for the students in every day. Currently they are focussing on using adjectives to make their writing more interesting.

Week 1

This week we've started the ALL Writing project in Room 1. On Monday we started with a brainstorm on some topics we can write about at home. We've managed to brainstorm a few topics for week 1 and will brainstorm some more topics during week 2.

On Tuesday we did an assessment on descriptive writing to see where we are at and what are some of the things we need to work on.

Wednesday was our first writing lesson. We learnt to use descriptive language. We described autumn leaves. Our main focus was to put capital letters and full stops into our writing. We also had to use adjectives, say what the leaves could smell like, feel like and maybe sound like.

Here are our descriptions:

Autumn Leaves
The leaves float from the trees. The leaves have lines on them. My leaf's shape looks like a snow flake. They sound crunchy. It smells like rotten grass. They feel smooth and soft also wet.
By Ashley.

Autumn Leaves
The Autumn leaves are brown. They smell fresh. The shape of it looks like a triangle. It feels rough and soft.
By Isaiah.

Autumn Leaves
The autumn leaves are falling down from the trees. They look like planes and they fell crunchy and the other side is rough and they sound like crackers and the leaves smell stinky. By Hayden.

Autumn Leaves
Some autumn leaves stay in the trees sometime. They can look like a dragon. The leaves sound a little quiet. They smell stinky because it was on the grass and dirty. One side feels crusty or smooth. By Regan.

Autumn Leaves
A leaf falls as soft as a snowflake. The colour of an autumn leave is brown or red or orange and yellow. The leaf looks like a star. When you hear a leaf it sounds soft like soft grass. By Sofia.

Autumn Leaves
Autumn leaves looks like a snow flake when they fall. They look like a bird flying to the ground to get some worms. They fall like a feather. they sound like somebody whispering and they smell like dirt. By Alex


  1. Cool writing

    Ishaiah room 11

  2. Good writing :)


  3. I can see lots of great adjectives in your writing.
