
Week 10 Term 3
Homework is due on Friday 1 September

Book bags need to be at school every day.

This week you’ve got some spelling words again. Please practise your spelling words every day. We will do our spelling test every Monday 
Complete the spelling sheet that is glued into your book. 
On the Blog I’ve added some Basic Facts Practise sheets. Please try to practise at least one sheet a week. Try to do it in the given time. 
For the rest of the term we will be having Place Value practises as part of our Maths homefun. 

What is the number for
78 groups of ten   _______________
5 groups of ten   _______________
45 groups of ten     _______________
32 groups of ten   _______________
7 groups of ten
61 groups of ten.    _______________
4 groups of ten   _______________
56 groups of ten  _______________
12 groups of ten   _______________
3 groups of ten   _______________

The last 3 numbers are a bit challenging. See if you can work them out.

Week 9 Term 3
Homework is due on Friday 14 September
This week you’ve got some spelling words again. Please practise your spelling words every day. We will do our spelling test every Monday 
Complete the spelling sheet that is glued into your book. 

On the Blog I’ve added some Basic Facts Practise sheets. Please try to practise at least one sheet a week. Try to do it in the given time. 
For the rest of the term we will be having Place Value practises as part of our Maths homefun. 

Write the number for
eighty - seven _______________
 fourteen   _______________
twenty-five     _______________
four hundred and seven    _______________
five hundred and four    _______________
one hundred and twenty two   _______________
three hundred and thirty three   _______________
five thousand one hundred and thirty  _______________
eight thousand three hundred and one   _______________
four thousand three hundred and fifty  _______________

The last 3 numbers are a bit challenging. See if you can work them out.

Book bags need to be at school every day.
 This week you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level because I will do running records during reading times.
Reading Comprehension:

Kids fly free to Disneyland!!

Have you always wanted to go to Disneyland with your family?  Then now is the time to do it.  Book a Hoolydooly holiday for two adults and we’ll give you a child’s holiday for free.  Airfares departing Sydney are just $1 700 per adult.  This holiday special includes six nights’ accommodation for two adults and one child at the Happy Holiday Inn and a five-day pass into Disneyland.  Children must be 12 years or younger.  Other children will be charged.  This special is available for travel between 24 January and 31 March.  Book with Hoolydooy on 12 41 21.
Where can you go on this holiday?

How much does it cost for an adult to go?

How much does it cost for a 10-year-old travelling with his parents?

When do you have to travel to get this special deal?

What does accommodation mean?

The boys has worked really hard on Friday to prepare the garden beside Room 1 for gardening. This Friday Room 1 will do a big day of gardening. Please make sure that your child brings a spare set of clothes and safe shoes in a plastic bag to school on Friday. 

Week 8 Term 3
Homework is due on Friday 7 September
This week you’ve got some spelling words again. Please practise your spelling words every day. We will do our spelling test every Monday 
Complete the spelling sheet that is glued into your book. 

On the Blog I’ve added some Basic Facts Practise sheets. Please try to practise at least one sheet a week. Try to do it in the given time. 
For the rest of the term we will be having Place Value practises as part of our Maths homefun. 

Write the number for
seventy- eight _______________
 forty-one   _______________
fifty- two     _______________
three hundred and eight    _______________
nine hundred and seven    _______________
two hundred and seventy seven   _______________
five hundred and forty three   _______________
one thousand two hundred and fifty  _______________
three thousand six hundred and two   _______________
eight thousand nine hundred and ninety  _______________

The last 3 numbers are a bit challenging. See if you can work them out.

Book bags need to be at school every day.
 This week you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level because I will do running records during reading times.
Reading Comprehension:
Answer the questions.

How to make mashed potatoes
What you need:
  • 4 medium potatoes, 1 teaspoon of butter, a dash of milk, and salt.
  • A medium saucepan, a potato masher and peeler, and a drainer.
What to do:
  • Peel the potatoes, wash them, and place them in the saucepan.
  • Fill the saucepan with water so that the water level is about 1 cm higher than the potatoes.
  • Place the saucepan on the stove, bring the potatoes to the boil and cook for 20 minutes.  Remove the saucepan and drain the potatoes.
  • Add the butter, mild and salt to the potatoes, and then mash them until they are soft and any lumps are gone.  Add extra milk if necessary to soften them further.
  • Serve and enjoy!
Do you mash the potatoes before you boil them?

How far should you fill the saucepan with water?

What do you add to the potatoes before mashing them?

What could you use to help soften the potatoes further?

Our Silver Beet is replanted. Now it just needs love and care. Room 1 is on the roll with gardening. Our next project is the garden beside Room 1. This Friday the boys will help Mr Robinson to loosen the soil and add some better soil. To all the boys: Please make sure you bring a shovel and gum boots or close shoes to protect you feet. 

Week 7 Term 3
Homework is due on Friday 31 August
This week you’ve got some spelling words again. Please practise your spelling words every day. We will do our spelling test every Monday 
Complete the spelling sheet that is glued into your book. 

On the Blog I’ve added some Basic Facts Practise sheets. Please try to practise at least one sheet a week. Try to do it in the given time. 
For the rest of the term we will be having Place Value practises as part of our Maths homefun. 

What is the value of the ....
5 in 465    _______________
1 in 160   _______________
9 in 938   _______________
5 in 765   _______________
1 in 213     _______________
3 in 635   _______________
2 in 243     _______________
8 in 879    _______________
3 in 763    _______________
7 in 798  _______________
2 in 652   _______________
6 in 896   _______________
4 in 475   _______________
2 in 253  _______________
8 in 859  _______________
1 in 123    _______________
2 in 3243   _______________
3 in 2413   _______________
7 in 5874  _______________
2 in 2335 _______________________________

For example  876 =  (800 + 70 + 6) The value of the 8 will be 800, the value of the 7 will be 70 and the value of the 6 will be 6.
The last 4 numbers are a bit challenging. See if you can work them out.

Book bags need to be at school every day.
 This week you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level because I will do running records during reading times.
Reading Comprehension:
Answer the questions.

Vanishing sharks
Sharks are disappearing from Australian waters.  Some species are becoming extinct.  The species most in danger are the Grey Nurse and the Great White.  About 200 sharks are caught in nets around Sydney each year.  Some are caught to protect swimmers at local beaches.  Shark meat, known as ‘flake’, is sold in many fish and chip shops and in the fish markets.  Dried shark cartilage is used to treat patients with cancer and other illnesses.  The vanishing shark population is affecting people in many ways.

Which types of shark are nearly extinct?

What is flake?  

How many sharks are caught in nets each year?

What is dried shark cartilage used for?

Do you think sharks should be killed?  Why?

As a class we identified a problem:  Our Silver Beet is not growing
Last week we’ve done some research. This week we are going to make a plan on how to save our silver beet.

Week 6 Term 3
Homework is due on Friday 24 August

This week you’ve got some spelling words again. Please practise your spelling words every day. We will do our spelling test every Monday 
Complete the spelling sheet that is glued into your book. 

Book bags need to be at school every day.
 This week you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level because I will do running records during reading times.

Complete the following reading activity
Choose suitable words from the box to fill in the gaps in the following passage.

 Warm    small    spring    fall    bigger     buds     grow      flowers   eventually

The apple tree

When _____________ comes, the days get ____________.  The buds on the apple tree begin to ______________.  At first they are very ________________, but then they get bigger and ________________.  Next, the outside scales ______________ off.  The ___________ open, and some grow leaves while others become _______________.  The flowers are pink and white.  Many apples ______________ grow on the tree, and later they will be picked and sold at the market.  This is what happens in spring when the apple tree grows.

On the Blog I’ve added some Basic Facts Practise sheets. Please try to practise at least one sheet a week. Try to do it in the given time. 
For the rest of the term we will be having Place Value practises as part of our Maths homefun. 

What is the value of the ....
5 in 564    _______________
1 in 610   _______________
9 in 398   _______________
5 in 567   _______________
1 in 231     _______________
3 in 356   _______________
2 in 423     _______________
8 in 978    _______________
3 in 637    _______________
7 in 987  _______________
2 in 256   _______________
6 in 689   _______________
4 in 745   _______________
2 in 352  _______________
8 in 589  _______________
1 in 213    _______________
2 in 3342   _______________
3 in 3412   _______________
7 in 7854  _______________
2 in 1235 _______________________________

The last 4 numbers are a bit challenging. See if you can work them out.

As a class we identified a problem:  Our Silver Beet is not growing
As a class we are going to do some research on how to make our Silver Beet grow again.
After our research we are going to come up with a plan on how to safe our silver beet. Next Friday we are going to do some gardening. During the week I will let you know what you have to bring to school on Friday so that we can do some gardening. 

Week 5 Term 3
Homework is due on Friday 17 August

Well done to everyone in Room 1 that was so brave with presenting their speech in front of the class. It is quite daunting to stand in front of 18 other pupils to talk. I’m so proud of everyones perseverance. Good Work. Well done to Regan who will be going through to the speech finals. Great Job buddy.

This week you’ve got some spelling words again. Please practise your spelling words every day. We will do our spelling test every Monday 
Complete the spelling sheet that is glued into your book. 

Book bags need to be at school every day.
 This week you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level because I will do running records during reading times.
Complete the following reading activity
Kiwi Facts
The Kiwi is a native bird of New Zealand that likes to live hidden in the bush.  It is unable to fly because of its tiny wings, but its strong legs help the Kiwi to run quickly through the forest.  The Kiwi is a nocturnal bird, which goes out at night to find food.  It has small eyes but a good sense of smell.  The Kiwi scratches in the soil on the forest floor with its sharp claws.  Its long beak helps it to dig in the soil for worms and insects.  The female Kiwi lays the largest eggs of any bird in the world in relation to its size.
Answer true or false?  Circle the correct one.

1.  The Kiwi is a flightless bird            True / False
2.  The Kiwi likes to sit in the sun            True / False
3.  The Kiwi lays little eggs because it is a small bird.     True / False
4.  The Kiwi is easy to find             True / False
5.  The Kiwi is found in New Zealand bush.     True / False

On the Blog I’ve added some Basic Facts Practise sheets. Please try to practise at least one sheet a week. Try to do it in the given time. 
For the rest of the term we will be having Place Value practises as part of our Maths homefun. 

Place Value of tens: What’s the number for
5 groups of ten    _______________
1 group of ten _______________
9 groups of ten   _______________
56 groups of ten  _______________
10 groups of ten _______________
3 groups of ten _______________
12 groups of ten  _______________
8 groups of ten  _______________
35 groups of ten  _______________
71 groups of ten _______________
2 groups of ten  _______________
61 groups of ten  _______________
4 groups of ten  _______________
23 groups of ten  _______________
81 groups of ten  _______________
13 groups of ten  _______________
823 groups of ten  _______________
342 groups of ten  _______________
721 groups of ten  _______________
212 groups of ten _______________

The last 4 numbers are a bit challenging. See if you can work them out.

Week 3 Term 3
Homework is due on Friday 3rd August
Book bags need to be at school every day.
You will take home a book on your instructional levels on the days that you have worked with me on the mat. On the days that you work independently you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level. 
It might happen that you have read some of the Independent books before.
The Purple and Gold group take Journals home from time to time. Please remember to read only one story a night and to bring it to school every day, because we will use it in the class every day. 
Please try to make time to read with someone every day.
It is really important that we keep track of the books that you read. Please remind mum or dad to sign your reading log in the back of your book.
No spelling this week due to speech writing
No Maths due to Speeches

All of you have completed your first draft for you speeches. I’ve had a look at it and have given you feedback. 
Please have a look at your feedback and make changes if necessary according to the feedback.
This week I would like you to write your speech onto cue cards and then practise, practise, practise.
Your speech need to be at school on Monday the 6th of August and you need to be ready to present your speech.  I will pick 3 -4 students to present their speech each day from Monday to Friday.
Hot Tips for speeches
  • Eye Contact.  
  • Look at your audience.  
  • Practice in front of the mirror and your family.  
  • Speak slowly and clearly. 
  • Think about your body language and facial expressions.  
  • Try to stand with your legs slightly apart to stop you from moving around. 
  • Remember – NEVER say “My name is …” and “My speech is about…” or “Thank you for listening to my speech.” Begin and end your speech in a powerful way. 

Week 1 Term 3
Homework is due on Friday 20th July
Book bags need to be at school every day.
You will take home a book on your instructional levels on the days that you have worked with me on the mat. On the days that you work independently you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level. 
It might happen that you have read some of the Independent books before.
The Purple and Gold group take Journals home from time to time. Please remember to read only one story a night and to bring it to school every day, because we will use it in the class every day. 
Please try to make time to read with someone every day.
It is really important that we keep track of the books that you read. Please remind mum or dad to sign your reading log in the back of your book.
Complete the reading activity you have glued into your homefun book.
Practise your spelling words every day and complete the spelling sheet that is glued into your book.
We will write our spelling test every Monday.

Complete the Basic Fact and Place Value sheets every day.
Inquiry Learning
This term we will be looking at The Olympic Games.
Create an information poster about a country participating in the Olympic games in London 2012. 
My Country is: ___________________________________________
Your poster must have:
  • A title with the countries name
  • A picture of the flag
  • How many people live in the country
  • Main language they speak
  • Symbol or animal of the country
  • 2 interesting facts about the country
We will be holding the annual speech competition in week 4 and 5 of this term. During Weeks 1, 2 and 3 we will be learning how to write a persuasive speech. 
For your homework this week. I would like you to think about, and decide what topic you would like to write your speech on this year and write it in your homefun book. You can choose any persuasive topic. Remember when you persuade someone you have to convince them to agree with you. 
Some ideas of persuasive topics: Recycling is important, Everyone should have a pet, We should have longer lunchtimes, Holidays needs to be longer, Tagging should be banned, etc.
(You DO NOT need to start writing your speech this week) 

Week 9 Term 2
Homework is due on Friday 22nd June
Book bags need to be at school every day.
You will take home a book on your instructional levels on the days that you have worked with me on the mat. On the days that you work independently you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level.
Please try to make time to read with someone every day.
It is really important that we keep track of the books that you read. Please remind mum or dad to sign your reading log in the back of your book.
Complete the reading activity you have glued into your homefun book.
Most of us struggle to use our Capital letters and Full stops correctly. Last term we have practised this skill by re-writing sentences with Capital letters and full stops. This term you are going to use your spelling words each week and you have to use 5 of your spelling words in a sentence.
Your sentences have to...
  • Have a Capital letter at the beginning of the sentence
  • Have a full stop at the end of the sentence
  • Make sense.

Remember:  Practise your spelling words every day.
WALT to use descriptive words in our writing.
We will use adjectives to describe the nouns
We will use similes in our writing (e.g It is so sunny it feels like a sauna inside)
I would like you to describe your favourite room in the house eg the TV Room, your bedroom, the kitchen, the lounge etc.
WALT skip count to solve our two, five and ten times tables. Complete the following grid.














Week 6 Term 2

This week will be a homefun free week due to Teacher Only day on Friday.

Students will still bring reading books home during the week.  Please don't forget to read.

Practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables on 
and practise your time tables.

Week 5 Term 2
Homework is due on Friday 25th May
Book bags need to be at school every day.
You will take home a book on your instructional levels on the days that you have worked with me on the mat. On the days that you work independently you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level.
Please try to make time to read with someone every day.
It is really important that we keep track of the books that you read. Please remind mum or dad to sign your reading log in the back of your book.
Complete the reading activity you have glued into your homefun book.
Most of us struggle to use our Capital letters and Full stops correctly. Last term we have practised this skill by re-writing sentences with Capital letters and full stops. This term you are going to use your spelling words each week and you have to use 5 of your spelling words in a sentence.
Your sentences have to...
  • Have a Capital letter at the beginning of the sentence
  • Have a full stop at the end of the sentence
  • Make sense.

Remember:  Practise your spelling words every day.
The students are struggling with their 2x tables. Please learn your 2 x tables this week so that you know it of by heart. Remember your 2 x tables are the same as your doubles
Oral Language
Show and tell turns Week 5: Ella, Michael, Jasmine and Sofia
Science Inquiry
Raw or Boiled Egg?
Surprise your friends and family with an easy science experiment that answers an otherwise tricky question. Two eggs look and feel the same but there is a big difference, one is raw and the other hard boiled, find out which is which with this fun experiment.
What you'll need:
  • Two eggs, one hard boiled and one raw. Make sure the hard boiled egg has been in the fridge long enough to be the same temperature as the raw egg.

  1. Spin the eggs and watch what happens, one egg should spin while the other wobbles.
  2. You can also lightly touch each of the eggs while they are spinning, one should stop quickly while the other keeps moving after you have touched it.
This week I would like you to find out what is the Scientific reason behind this. Go to the following website:
and write in your homefun book what the scientific reason behind it is.
Week 4 Term 2
Homework is due on Friday 18th May
Book bags need to be at school every day.
You will take home a book on your instructional levels on the days that you have worked with me on the mat. On the days that you work independently you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level.
Please try to make time to read with someone every day.
It is really important that we keep track of the books that you read. Please remind mum or dad to sign your reading log in the back of your book.
Complete the reading activity you have glued into your homefun book.
Most of us struggle to use our Capital letters and Full stops correctly. Last term we have practised this skill by re-writing sentences with Capital letters and full stops. This term you are going to use your spelling words each week and you have to use each word in a sentence.
Your sentences have to...
  • Have a Capital letter at the beginning of the sentence
  • Have a full stop at the end of the sentence
  • Make sense.

Remember:  Practise your spelling words every day.
Complete the Maths sheet you have glued into your book
Learn your 5x tables again this week. I’ll test you on Friday
Oral Language
Show and tell turns Week 4: Regan, Isaiah, Emily, Ashley, Jodie
Science Inquiry
Design and Test a Parachute
Learn about air resistance while making an awesome parachute! Design one that can fall slowly to the ground before putting it to the test, making modifications as you go.

What you'll need:
  • A plastic bag or light material
  • Scissors
  • String
  • A small object to act as the weight, a little action figure would be perfect

  1. Cut out a large square from your plastic bag or material.
  2. Trim the edges so it looks like an octagon (an eight sided shape).
  3. Cut a small whole near the edge of each side.
  4. Attach 8 pieces of string of the same length to each of the holes.
  5. Tie the pieces of string to the object you are using as a weight.
  6. Use a chair or find a high spot to drop your parachute and test how well it worked, remember that you want it to drop as slow as possible.
In your homefun book explain in 2 - 3 sentences what happens. 
Remember to use your full stops and capital letters.

Week 3, Term 2
Homework is due on Friday 6th May
Book bags need to be at school every day.
You will take home a book on your instructional levels on the days that you have worked with me on the mat. On the days that you work independently you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level.
Please try to make time to read with someone every day.
It is really important that we keep track of the books that you read. Please remind mum or dad to sign your reading log in the back of your book.
Complete the reading activity you have glued into your homefun book.
Most of us struggle to use our Capital letters and Full stops correctly. Last term we have practised this skill by re-writing sentences with Capital letters and full stops. This term you are going to use your spelling words each week and you have to use each word in a sentence.
Your sentences have to...
  • Have a Capital letter at the beginning of the sentence
  • Have a full stop at the end of the sentence
  • Make sense.

Remember:  Practise your spelling words every day.
Complete the Maths sheet you have glued into your book
Learn your 2x tables again this week. I’ll test you on Friday
Oral Language
Show and tell turns Week 2: Finn, Zachary, Alex, Caitlin
Science Inquiry
Baking Soda & Vinegar Volcano
Use baking soda and vinegar to create an awesome chemical reaction! Watch as it rapidly fizzes over the container and make sure you've got some towels ready to clean up.

What you'll need:
  • Baking Soda (make sure it's not baking powder)
  • Vinegar
  • A container to hold everything and avoid a big mess!
  • Paper towels or a cloth (just in case)

  1. Place some of the baking soda into your container.
  2. Pour in some of the vinegar
  3. Watch as the reaction takes place!
For extra effect you can make a realistic looking volcano. It takes some craft skills but it will make your vinegar and baking soda eruptions will look even more impressive!
In your homefun book explain in 2 - 3 sentences what happens. 
Remember to use your full stops and capital letters.

Week 9, Term 1
Homework is due on Friday 30th March
Reading Eggs
This is the last week for the free trial of Reading Eggs. There is an opportunity to join Reading Eggs for only $20 through the school. This is an excellent price and many of the families of Room 1 students have already taken up this opportunity. Please indicate on boxes below if you intend to purchase this subscription as this will help with planning my homework and reading programmes for Term 2.
  • I am going to join Reading Eggs for my child through the school for $20
  • I am not going to join Reading Eggs. 
On Mondays you will take your poem home to read that you glued into your reading book. Make sure you bring your reading book back to school on a Tuesday.
You will take home a book on your instructional levels on the days that you have worked with me on the mat. On the days that you work independently you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level.
Please try to make time to read with someone every day.
It is really important that we keep track of the books that you read. Please remind mum or dad to sign your reading log in the back of your book.
Book bags need to be at school every day.
Reading activity for the week: Read the story “Things to do on a cold day” and complete the questions.
This week you will take home your spelling words. Please learn them each night.
10 + 4 = 4 + ___ = 10      5 + 5 =
   10 + 8 =   7 + ___ = 10     Half of 8 =

7 + 10 = 2 + ___ = 10 4 + 4 =

17 – 10 = 5 + ___ = 10 8 + 8 =

14 – 10 = 3 + ___ = 10 6 + 6 =

16 – 6 = 20 – 15 = 7 + 7 =

13 - ___ = 10 20 – 7 = Half of 16 =

17 - ___ = 10 20 - ___ = 14 Half of 20 =

10 + ___ = 11 20 - ___ = 16 10 + 10 =

10 + ___ = 16 20 - ___ = 12 Half of 12 =

30 + ___ = 100 6 + 2 = 8 – 2 =

60 + ___ = 100 4 + 3 = 7 – 3 =

50 + ___ = 100 1 + 9 = 9 – 6 =

20 + ___ = 100 5 + 4 = 5 – 4 =

10 + ___ = 100 3 + ___ = 8 8 - ___ = 5

100 – 80 = 2 + ___ = 6 7 - ___ = 6

100 – 90 = 4 + ___ = 7 9 - ___ = 7

100 – 40 = 8 + ___ = 9 8 - ___ = 2

100 – 50 = 5 + ___ = 10 6 - ___ = 3

100 – 70 = 7 + 1 = 6 – 4 = 

Week 6, Term 1
Homework is due on Friday 9nd March
On Mondays you will take your poem home to read, that you glued into your reading book. Make sure you bring your reading book back to school on a Tuesday.
This week Students will bring books home on Tuesday and Friday because of testing and the Gala Craft activities.
Please make the most of Reading Eggs this week. Let your child complete a lesson each night.
Your login and password are glued in the front of your homefun book. 
Once you are in reading Eggs you will see you have a toolbar on the left...
  1. Click on My Stuff, then My Avatar. You can now change what your own personal Reading Eggs looks like. Some of you have done this already.
  2. Click on Go Places and you will see there may be some parts that have a padlock on them. As you work your way through your lessons these padlocks will unlock and you will have access to more fun with Reading Eggs.
  3. Click on My Lessons and try to complete on full lesson each night.
This week you will take home your spelling words. Please learn them each night. We will write our first spelling test on Friday.
Jolly Jar -Gala Activity
If you haven’t make a jolly jar at school on Friday with us, please make one at home and bring it to school no later than Wednesday. 

Gala Projects
On Thursday 8 March we are going to have our craft day. You are going to create miniature gardens, vegetable creatures and vaseline saucers for the gala.
Students need to plan and design this at home if you haven’t done this last week.
For those who haven’t done their planning in Week 5
Year 2’s
You have to design your miniature garden in your homefun book this week. Decide on a theme for your garden. Think how you would like to lay your garden out and what you will have to use to create your garden. Design your miniature garden in your book by drawing a picture of how it is going to look. Write down all the items you will need to build your miniature garden.
REMEMBER: All items need to be biodegradable. You will be provided with a tray and sand at school. Everything else you will need to collect your self.
Year 3’s
You have to design a pattern that you would like to use on your vaseline plate. Decide what kind of pattern you would like to create. Think of the layout and what items you will have to use to create your pattern. Design your pattern in your homefun book by drawing a picture of how it is going to look. Write down all the items you will need to collect to create your pattern in the end
REMEMBER: All items need to be biodegradable. You will be provided with a plate and vaseline at school. Everything else needs to be collected by your self.
Year 2’s and 3’s
You have to design a vegetable animal/bug. Decide on the animal or bug you would like to create. Design it in your book by drawing a picture and write down the fruit and vegetables that you are going to use for each part of your animal. 
REMEMBER: You are only allowed to use fruits, vegetables and toothpicks. The toothpick will be provided at school. The fruits and vegetables need to be collected at home and cut.
Week 5, Term 1
Homework is due on Friday 2nd March
On Mondays you will take your poem home to read, that you glued into your reading book. Make sure you bring your reading book back to school on a Tuesday.
  • You will take home a book which is your instructional level on the days that you have worked with me on the mat. On the days that you work independently you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level.
  • Please try to make time to read with someone every day.
  • It is really important that we keep track of the books that you read. Please remind mum or dad to sign your reading log in the back of your book.
  • Book bags need to be at school every day.
We are currently trial Reading Eggs. While we have the use of the Reading eggs programme while it is free I would like you to focus on using it as part of your reading homefun.
Your login and password are glued in the front of your homefun book. 
Once you are in reading Eggs you will see you have a toolbar on the left...
  1. Click on My Stuff, then My Avatar. You can now change what your own personal Reading Eggs looks like. Some of you have done this already.
  2. Click on Go Places and you will see there may be some parts that have a padlock on them. As you work your way through your lessons these padlocks will unlock and you will have access to more fun with Reading Eggs.
  3. Click on My Lessons and try to complete on full lesson each night.
This week you will take home your spelling words. Please learn them each night. We will write our first spelling test on Friday.
Place Value
79 = 7 tens
How many tens are in:
  1. 56 = 2.  23 = 3.  45 = 
  1. 89 = 5.  21 = 6. 34 =
  1. 15 = 7.  94 = 8.  77 =
  1. 17 = 10. 66 =
Add ten to each of the following numbers
  1. 10 + 10 = 2. 15 + 10 = 3.  20 + 10 =
  1. 25 + 10 = 5. 30 + 10 = 6. 35 + 10 =
  1. 40 + 10 = 8. 45 + 10 = 9. 50 + 10 =
  1. 55 + 10 =
Count in 2’s
2, 4, ___, ____. _____, ____, ____, 16, ___, 20, ___, ____
34, 36, ___, ____, ____, 44, 46, ____, ____, 52
82, ___, 86, ____, ____, _____, 94, 96, ____, _____, 102
Count backwards in 2’s
28, 26, ___, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, 12, ____, ____, 6
66, 64, ____, ____, ____, ____, 54, ____, ____, 48

Another reminder that homefun books need to be handed in every Friday. It is also important that children have their homefun books and book bags every day at school, because we have to complete the reading log in the back of their homefun books.

Week 4, Term 1
Homework is due on Friday 24th February

On Mondays you will take your poem home to read that you glued into your reading book. Make sure you bring your reading book back to school on a Tuesday.
You will take home a book on your instructional levels on the days that you have worked with me on the mat. On the days that you work independently you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level.
Please try to make time to read with someone every day.
It is really important that we keep track of the books that you read. Please remind mum or dad to sign your reading log in the back of your book.
Book bags need to be at school every day.

Reading activity for the week: Read the story “Rock band” and complete the questions.

WALT use Capital Letters and Full Stops correctly.
Write the following sentences in your homefun book over using a Capital letter at the beginning of the sentence and a full stop at the end of the sentence.
1. bill started to sing
2. they sang all day long
3. he played on the keyboard
4. he hit the drums

This week you will take home your spelling words. Please learn them each night. We will write our first spelling test on Friday.
The spelling activities that you glued into your homefun book will help you to practise your spelling

Groupings to 10.

2 + ___ = 10 2. 9 + ____ = 10 3. 3 + ____ = 10

5 + ___ = 10 5. 4 + ____ = 10 6. 6 + ____ = 10

1 + ___ = 10 8. 7 + ____ = 10 9. 8 + ____ = 10

10 - 5 = 2. 10 - 1 = 3. 10 - 6 =

10 - 9 = 5. 10 - 2 = 6. 10 - 7 =

10 - 4 = 8. 10 - 3 = 9. 10 - 8 =

Groupings to 100 (Extras for experts)

20 + ___ = 100 2. 90 + ____ = 100 3. 30 + ____ = 100

50 + ___ = 100 5. 40 + ____ = 100 6. 60 + ____ = 100

10 + ___ = 100 8. 70 + ____ = 100 9. 80 + ____ = 100

100 - 50 = 2. 100 - 10 = 3. 100 - 60 =

100 - 90 = 5. 100 - 20 = 6. 100 - 70 =

5. 100 - 40 = 8. 100 - 30 = = 9. 100 - 80 =

Thank you for every one who handed their homefun in on Friday. Please remember to bring your homefun every day to school so that we can keep up with your Reading Log in the back of your homefun book.

It is also very important that everyone have their book bags at school every day.

Week 3 Homefun

Homework Expectations

At Reremoana School homework is an important part of the learning programme and reflects work that is occurring in the classroom. It is expected for year levels 2-3 that homework requires; Reading for at least 15 mins per night and 15 mins of other activities per night (up to 60 mins per week)

Homework will be handed out on a Monday and is expected to be handed into the homefun box on Friday mornings.

Homework will consist of maths, reading, word study, spelling and related topic activities. A ‘can do’ sheet will also be available for students to do once they have completed their ‘must do’ homework. ‘Can do’ sheets will be glued into the front of the homefun book.


The weekly spelling words will also be tested in class on Fridays.

Week 2, Term 1

Homework is due on Friday 10th February


Reading will form a major component of the homework and I would encourage you and your child to make time every night. Please complete the reading diary in the back of your child’s homefun book after each book they’ve read.
This week your child will be taking home a book from their browsing box to read to them self or with someone at home. Browsing box books are set at levels lower than your child’s instructional reading level so that they can read these books independently. They might have seen some of the books before.


It is important that you child practise their maths skills. Maths will also be a big part of your child’s homefun every week.
This week I would like your child to practise some basic fact skills.

1. 5 + 5 = 2. 2 + 2 = 3. 8 + 8 = 4. 6 + 6 =

5. 9 + 9 = 6. 4 + 4 = 7. 7 + 7 = 8. 3 + 3 =

9. Half of 10 = 10.Half of 18 = 11. Half of 14 = 12. Half of 20 =

Extras for Experts

1. 10 + 4 = 2. 17 – 10 = 3. 16 – 6 = 4. 20 – 15 =

5. 20 - ___ = 14 6. 20 - __ = 12


Students will be tested and put into spelling groups in week 2. Students will receive their first list of spelling words in week 3.


This term we will be learning about Healthy brain food and how many times a day we should have brain food to help our brains to learn effectively.
At home this week I would like your child to keep a dairy of the snacks they eat during the week.

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