Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Here are some more music photo's


Room 1 has music with Mrs Fourie every second week for one block. We love this time, because we do lots of singing and playing with some cool instruments.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Name Art

In Room 1 we've learned about an artist called Henri Matisse. Henri Matisse likes to do art with paper. He cuts really fast and do super cool pictures with paper. We watched a you tube clip on how he does paper art. Room 1 did some name art using paper.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Statistics in Room 1

Today we learned a new word called statistics. We learned that it has something to do with Maths. Statistics is when we gather information. Today we learned to group Room 1's birthdays under the correct month. We had to find out when each one in the class has their birthday and then we had to put their names under the correct month.